Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Heartwarming tale of a little boy who Lives United

Story Submitted by Sally Wright, Topeka

I wanted to would share this story with all of you in the Troop:

A couple of hours after I got off the phone with Maria the other night my phone rang, I looked at my caller I.D. and noticed it was Maria calling me back. I was a little anxious about answering it since she told me that her husband that was involved in an accident at work where he fell off a ladder/scafel and broke both of his legs had not had a good day. As a result of the accident, Maria's husband Frankie had been moved into a nursing home to recover from surgery. He is waiting (impatiently) until he gets more movement back in his legs.

I answered the phone and could tell by her voice that she had been crying.

Maria said, "Thank you for teaching Gabriel (her 6 year old son) how to give!"

I was shocked by her statement that she made and said "What do you mean?"

She told me that she had explained to Gabriel what Troop 7 was doing for their family to help them over the holidays by giving them gifts/food to help them out while they are going through this difficult time. Maria then told me that Gabriel went to his room counted the money in his piggy bank and told his Mom that he had an idea of what he wanted to do for Christmas too. Gabriel told his Mom that he felt sorry for the older people in the nursing home that his Dad is in because noone comes to visit him and he wants to use the money in his piggy bank (he counted $20.00) to buy them balloons and tie a candy cane on the string of each balloon for them for Christmas. Maria said that she was shocked that he wanted to use his own money for that and talked about how she would give her last penny to help others if she could. So Maria said Friday night her and Gabriel are going to buy balloons and tie candy canes on them to take to the nursing home.

I told Maria that we feel so fortunate to be able to help them and that how awesome it is this that Gabriel wants to do something for someone else too.

Ironically we haven't even given them their gifts yet and this family already feels blessed by the Troop 7's outreach.

I just wanted to share this story with everyone and thank those families that helped shop for Frankie, Maria and Gabriel obviously they feel very blessed by your giving. Also, thanks to the Bleich family, Timmy Lang, Byron Ashley and Cole for helping wrap after we went shopping.

We are delivering the gifts for the family on Saturday at 10:00 a.m. plan on meeting at the First Christian Church in the back parking lot.

Merry Christmas!!

Sally Wright

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